Daily Crossword solver

Join thousands of players who search for different crossword clues. If you love crossword solvers, you must know goldanswers.com, after all we have the biggest database with crossword clues; more than 10 millions crossword clues and answers (and growing…).

Crossword puzzles are fun when they have challenging clues, but when you get stuck our website is an excellent help with crosswords, very easy to use.

Yes! It is the best Crossword Solver on the web when you will get all the solutions when you have trouble with difficult clues.

Here you will find all the latest clues for:

New York Times
LA Times
Eugene Sheffer
Thomas Joseph
Premier Sunday
USA Today
Mirror Classic
Mirror Cryptic
Mirror Quick
Mirror Quiz
Star Tribune
NZ Herald
Irish Times Crosaire
Irish Times Simplex

and the list goes on with some other non so popular crosswords.

Crossword help to keep the brain cells functional and gives good knowledge while learning new things! They are challenging, but sometimes the clues are vague. So here comes goldanswers.com. We are here to help.

Even though you love it because it makes you think more, when you get to the point you can’t solve it, use the help to reveal the correct answers here at goldanswers.com. It has everything and more and is easy to use.


Frequently asked questions about our website or crosswords in general.

Here are some basic questions about our website or questions related to crosswords in general. You can use our contant page to submit other questions as well.


Where can I find all these crosswords?

Crosswords have more than one hundred years being played by people in their free time. Each day many newspapers provide their crossword puzzles online for millions of fans. Once the crosswords were played only in newspapers but now they are the best way to do puzzles at your iPhone, iPad, computer or tablet. Once you get the interface set up for the way you play, this is far better than pencil and paper.

So basically you can either find the physical newpaper or either try the online version of that same newspaper. Some of the newspapers (but nor all of them) have an app for their crossword.

The most popular crossword app is the “New York Times crossword app”:

Why this domain?

Well I must admit that goldanswers.com seems like a website that give answers to gold related questions and not crossword ones. But………… Have you ever been stuck on a certain crossword clue and you couldn’t go on as that clue is crucial to finding all the others. Well, in that case finding the answer to that clue is like finding a gold nugget. Well remember we have more than 10 million “gold nuggets” 🙂  (the answers are all free, no registration needed).

Are all the answers correct? 

Absolutely. Our answers are 100% correct. We have a dedicated staff who solves all “our crosswords” everyday. Thus, there is no mistakes in our crossword answers. But as you may know there are a lot of crossword clues which might have more than one possible answer. We have added only the answer to the clue posted on that certain date, but other answers might apply. For example, the crossword clue “Blue gemstone” has many possible answers; Lapis, Sapphire, Lapislazuli as found on the following crosswords The Guardian Quick (Feb 24, 2014), USA Today (Aug 1, 2005), New York Times (May 20, 1975).

Immagine if you had a crossword clue like “European country”. There are 51 possible answers to this clue.

How can I contribute?

We are always looking to expand our list of daily crosswords. Some of those we mentioned previously, some others are not so popular, however we have added those too.

If you are playing another crossword not found in before mentioned list, please let us know using our contact form. We might like solving that crossword, too. Or you can help us with the answers to the new crossword. We are opened to that scenario too. So just drop a quick message using our contact page and let us know!

How much time does it take to solve a crossword? 

Well some of our staff are pretty professional. They spend no more than 20 minutes solving a crossword with approximately 80 clues. British crosswords are generally shorter, so you can solve them faster. Are you faster? Work with us!

What is the best way to get better at solving crosswords?

Just one suggestion! Use our website. You will find the answers to more than 20 different crosswords (more crosswords will be added in the coming months). You can browse through different dates for each crossword. What else do you need more? You will never get stuck again on a certain crossword clue.

Crossword Abbreviations.

Some of the clues include some abbreviations which are mostly understood by most of the people, but some are more difficult. We are preparing to make a full list of such abbreviations, however it is best if you just give a look at this wikipedia page. You will be able to understand more than 90% of crossword abbreviations from that list.

Main differences between American and British crossword puzzles?

Well, to be honest there are not so much differences besides the use of certain words in British English and different ones for American English (e.g. LIFT (GB) versus ELEVATOR (US) ) . The only significant difference is that British Crosswords have “cryptic crosswords” which are not so common in the USA crosswords. Also in the British Crossword, there are a lot of black squares, which makes finding the other clues harder but also make the whole experience boring sometimes.

When is the best time to solve crosswords?

A lot of people like to play crosswords in the morning, when our intellect is at a high level. Personally, I like to us the morning hours for work (especially work that requires a lot of focus) and play with crosswords puzzles in the afternoon or at night. Doing so keeps my brain focused on my work and makes my boss happy. I only wished I had more free time in the morning to dedicate to my passion; solving different crossword puzzles.

I don’t have a lot of time. Which crossword do you recommend to solve everyday?

Well, we like all our crosswords. This is why we work so hard to solve each and everyone of the every single day. However, if you don’t have a lot of free time, we would recommend “LA Times crossword” (if you are american) or the “Mirror crosswords” (if you are British).

When are the new crosswords published?

The vast majority of crosswords are published at 5am Eastern Time from Monday to Sunday. Some of them are published just once per week, like Premier Sunday Crossword or Penny Dell Sunday crossword.
If you are using your PC or smartphone, the time of the device is automatically detected for the right date is published. You can change the date of your device to get the next day’s crossword if you want (just a little trick for those who are impatient).

Who makes the puzzles of a certain crosswords?

The puzzles are made by only a few handful constructors and are later sold at different newspapers. The newspaper staff usually do some fact checking before publishing the puzzles.

How do I solve a puzzle?

Well there are some tricks. At first just solve all the clues you are know. Do not get stuck on a certain clue, just move on to the next one. As you find some of the clues, it will be easier to find the other ones.
If you still cannot solve all the puzzles, well its time to take a look at our database to find the correct answers.

Is it cheating if I ask for help?

Well everybody needs some help sometimes. Nobody has all the answers (actually we do). So it is a normal to ask someone to help you with a certain clue. However, if you use our website…… well… it is really cheating. But as I said earlier, sometimes it is the only thing to do in order to not get blocked.

How do I print all the puzzles?

It is easier than you think. Almost all the crosswords have an option for you to print the crossword in an easy-to-use format (usually a well done Pdf document). If you cannot find the icon to print a certain crossword, than I’m afraid there is nothing you can do about it. Some of the publishers are really concerned about copyright issues, so they do not offer the possibility to print all the puzzles.

If you ever have questions about a clue, want to provide helpful feedback, or experience crashes or freezes after installing an update, please contact us! A quick email to our support team, helps our developers identify and resolve issues faster and give you the correct clue.

We work hard to make sure you have the best experience using our website.